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Mod bot commands

Moderation Commands:

$Ban - Bans a user

$Kick - Kicks a user

$Mute - Mutes a user

$Unmute - Unmutes a user

$Invite - Gives you a bot invite link

$Purge - removes up to 100 unwanted messages instantly

Information Commands:

$Server - Gives you information about the server you are in

$User - GIves you information about your account

$Help 1-5 - Gives you all the commands mod bot can do

Gaming Commands:

$Bal - Displays the user's balace

$Leaderboard - Shows leaderboard

$Income - used to redeem your income

$Transfer - Transfers coin to another user

$Flip <heads or tails> <coin ammount> - Flips a coin for coins

$Coingflip - Flips a coin just for fun

$rps <Rock, paper, or scissors> - Starts a friendly game of rps

Music Commands:

$Play <Song title or link> - Plays a song in your queue or adds the song to your queue (Only if you provide the song title or link)

$Stop - Stops the song

$Resume - Resumes the song

$Skip - Skips to the next song in your queue

$Queue - Sends a list of ordered songs in your queue

$Loop - Loops the current queue

$Lyrics - sends lyrics of current song in your queue

Fun Commands: 

$Nigga - Says Nigga

$Eat corn - Eats corn

$Faggot - Says Faggot

$Butthole faggot - Says Butthole faggot

$Buttfuck - 90% chance to enlarge your anus 10% to steal a soul

$Shiro Hentai - Sends a link to "Shiro becomes a human Ona-Hole"

$Bokunopico - 50% chance to get loli porn and 50% chance not to

Other Commands: 

$Dm - Dm's you a message

$Avatar - Shows your avatar

$Ping - Shows if you have fast connection

$Aod - Automatically reacts to any message with thumbs up and down if it starts with this command 

Niggas: Does the same thing as $aod but with a different trigger

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