Our bots...
Detailed rant that ill make about how bots became part of the server and helped define it........ blah blah blah
See shop for prices and more details on the bots
Welcome to Mod Bot!
How to setup Mod Bot in your favorite server:
Step 1) Ensure that you or someone you know has administrator privileges on the server you would like to add Mod Bot to...
Step 2) Use This Link to invite Mod Bot to your server. Follow instructions given by Discord to prove that you are not a robot and successfully add Mod Bot to your server...
Step 3) W.I.P (adding Mod Bot configuration settings)
Bot commands
Moderation Commands:
$ban - Bans a user
$kick - Kicks a user
$mute - Mutes a user
$unmute - Unmutes a user
$invite - Gives you a bot invite link
$purge - removes up to 100 unwanted messages instantly
Information Commands:
$server - Gives you information about the server you are in
$user - GIves you information about your account
$help 1-5 - Gives you all the commands mod bot can do
Gaming Commands:
$Bal - Displays the user's balace
$Leaderboard - Shows leaderboard
$Income - used to redeem your income
$Transfer - Transfers coin to another user
$Flip <heads or tails> <coin ammount> - Flips a coin for coins
$Coingflip - Flips a coin just for fun
$rps <Rock, paper, or scissors> - Starts a friendly game of rps
Music Commands:
$Play <Song title or link> - Plays a song in your queue or adds the song to your queue (Only if you provide the song title or link)
$Stop - Stops the song
$Resume - Resumes the song
$Skip - Skips to the next song in your queue
$Queue - Sends a list of ordered songs in your queue
$Loop - Loops the current queue
$Lyrics - sends lyrics of current song in your queue
Fun Commands:
$Nigga - Says Nigga
$Eat corn - Eats corn
$Faggot - Says Faggot
$Butthole faggot - Says Butthole faggot
$Buttfuck - 90% chance to enlarge your anus 10% to steal a soul
$Shiro Hentai - Sends a link to "Shiro becomes a human Ona-Hole"
$Bokunopico - 50% chance to get loli porn and 50% chance not to
Other Commands:
$Dm - Dm's you a message
$Avatar - Shows your avatar
$Ping - Shows if you have fast connection
$Aod - Automatically reacts to any message with thumbs up and down if it starts with this command
Niggas: Does the same thing as $aod but with a different trigger